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Jubilee Kids

Kid's Ministry

Jubilee kids is organised by our children's lead and run by a team of dedicated volunteers. Emerging from the pandemic our team isn't large enough to split the children into separate age groups, so we currently gather children between the ages of three and eleven, as one group, but because our team are fab,  our kids still have a great time and encounter and learn about Jesus on a weekly basis. We expect that children in our Kids Church will meet with and get to know Jesus personally and it's our desire to work with parents to help the seeds that are sown to take root and bear fruit that lasts. 

Kids start every service in worship with the rest of the church before going to their group, which meets upstairs, in the Centre for the Retired, at 11am. Their sessions are an hour long and usually involve a mixture of games, worship and bible study. 

As well as Kids Church on Sunday's, we also organise and run a number of events throughout the year, such as fun days out, bright lights parties and much more.

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