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​At a Regions Beyond leaders conference in May 2022, Fusi Mokoena, one of the apostolic figures within the movement shared a message from Ezekiel 47, on the river issuing from the temple, which began as a trickle but became a river so deep, that it couldn't be passed and that brought life everywhere it went. Fusi encouraged us all to "follow the trickle" and see where it leads. We're enjoying recognising the 'trickle' of God's work among us and desire to follow it wherever it takes us. Right now, that is most clearly displayed in our community centre where we run a coffee shop and hall for hire and seek to show the love of God, in word and in deed. We enjoy playing worship music, displaying Christian art and when customers ask us why we do what we do, we love to tell them about the love of God, displayed in the coming of his Son, who lived a perfect life and died a sinners death, to atone for the sin of the world, so that we could be restored to relationship with our heavenly Father.

Kid's Ministry

Jubilee kids is organised by our children's lead and run by a team of dedicated volunteers. Emerging from the pandemic our team isn't large enough to split the children into separate age groups, so we currently gather children between the ages of three and eleven, as one group, but because our team are fab,  our kids still have a great time and encounter and learn about Jesus on a weekly basis. We expect that children in our Kids Church will meet with and get to know Jesus personally and it's our desire to work with parents to help the seeds that are sown to take root and bear fruit that lasts. 

Kids start every service in worship with the rest of the church before going to their group, which meets upstairs, in the Centre for the Retired, at 11am. Their sessions are an hour long and usually involve a mixture of games, worship and bible study. 

As well as Kids Church on Sunday's, we also organise and run a number of events throughout the year, such as fun days out, bright lights parties and much more.

Jubilee Youth

We don't currently have a regular youth provision on Sunday mornings, but every Sunday evening, in term time, one of our couples, Fran and Angus, lead a night of activities and teaching and discussion.

We go to the Big Church Festival in June as well as running a number of other big events throughout the course of the year, including the leavers ball, at the end of every academic year and a number of other fun, social events.

Every other week, we run a group for school years 6-8, which aims to be a bridge between kids and youth and allows for the maintaining of relationships and also for a setting for more age specific conversations as the young people navigate joining secondary schools and other changes that happen in their lives in those years.

CAP Money Course

Again in pursuit of the fulfilment of the Adullam's cave prophetic word we are seeking to become a church that works to support people in financial difficulty and in this hard time that we find ourselves in.

A number of our congregation are currently training to deliver the CAP Money Course and we hope to start running it soon. Details about the course can be found on their website ( If you are interested in taking part in a CAP Money Course, please let us know and we'll let you know when we're up and running. Details of how to contact us can be found at the bottom of every page on the website

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Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Course

As part of our acting to see God fulfil his word to us, that we would become like an Adullam's cave, where the depressed, the indebted and the discouraged come to find hope and healing, we are hoping to run the Kintsugi Hope wellbeing course. Details of the course can be found on their website ( If you would like to take part in a course, please get in contact with us. You can find out how to do that at the bottom of every page on the website

Selsdon Hall

One of the ways we believe God has called us to serve the community is through the way we run and use Selsdon Hall. Having been invited by the council to take on the running of the centre, we seek to use it as a space the community can encounter the church in a non-threatening way.


We serve the community with the hall in two ways: As a venue for hire, for the community and also by organising events as a church, at the hall, that seek to meet a need within the community and where we can demonstrate the love of God.

There are some opportunities for occasional paid work to serve hall hire events. If you are interested in occasional paid work in a hospitality environment, please email Cottie Campbell (hall hire manager) via the button bellow or on the following email address:

Life Groups

A church isn't just somewhere you attend on a Sunday. It's a community that you're a part of. At Croydon Jubilee, we're passionate about seeing every member growing in their faith and their understanding of who he is. We see life groups as one very important part of that journey.

Our Sunday gatherings don't always provide the best conditions for individual questions and life application, but smaller groups can be great for it!

We have a range of groups, meeting on a variety of days and times and are always open to starting new groups, whether for a clearly defined period of time and for a specific reason or for longer.

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